Holy Week starts on Sunday at churches

Churches in the neighbourhood are preparing for what is called Holy Week, the final week of the Lenten season observed by the community at this time of the year.

Holy Week commemorates the events that led to the condemnation and death of Jesus on the cross and is a time that calls people to reflect on their shortcomings and make reparation.

This Sunday will be Palm Sunday – a symbolic procession of the congregation carrying blessed palms around the church area will take place before Holy Mass. It recalls the triumphant entry of Jesus to Jerusalem in the days when his detractors were plotting against him.

At the San Thome Cathedral, Archbishop Rev. George Antonyswamy will lead the procession event at the 6 a.m. Holy Mass.

Next week, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are key days in the church calendar. Besides the special services there will also be sound and light shows / retreats and adorations.

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