Athma Laya helps women look at their own lives at this workshop

Udbhavam 2013 photo2-1Athma Laya organised ‘Udbhavam 2013’, a free workshop for women on March 2 2013 at Tattvaloka Hall, Eldams Road and the event was sponsored by Rex Fashions.

Over 100 women participated.

‘Udbhavam’ is a session organized periodically by Athma Laya to help women contemplate on their own lives and rejuvenate them to lead better lives through a unique blend of dance and meditation, says Mala Bharath, founder of Athma Laya.

Different aspects of the lives of the modern multitasking women are analysed and this programme helps women find their own solutions and enhance their lives.

 This workshop was designed in such a way that each woman was taken through a journey of her own emotions.

Mala described the effects of each emotion with real life examples. She explained that a smile on the face percolates deep and creates a positive impact on the subconscious mind.

She used dance as a therapy to make all her participants vent out the suppressed negative emotions.

Women later said they felt relaxed and rejuvenated at the end of the session.
Reported by Gowri Jayakrishnan – 98849 53013
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