Volunteers wish to promote worship at Bhairavar sannadhi in Sri Kapali Temple

A voluntary body called LDSFT is making an attempt to restart the worship of Bhairavar at Sri Kapali Temple, Mylapore.

Dr.R. Subramanian of LDSFT which works out of Mylapore says that a proverb in Tamil says worshipping Bhairavar gives instant relief and that Bhairavar worship  removes hardships.

He says that Bhairavar is seen as the one who provides security in Shiva temples and he has the dog as the vahanam

He says that his group is guiding the temple management to light Iluppa oil lamps at the Bhairavar sannadhi.

A small function is being arranged  to initiate this programme on Ratha Sapthami Day, Sunday 17 February 6.01 p.m. onwards at Bhairavar sannadhi, inside the  Kapaleeswarar Sannadhi of Kapali temple, Mylapore.

All are invited  to attend and light a lamp.

Donors for the supply of Iluppa oil ( 1 Kg – Rs 120/ : 15 Kg tin – Rs 1800/ ) for this occasion may contact : 24981559 / 9444381476 .

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One Comment on “Volunteers wish to promote worship at Bhairavar sannadhi in Sri Kapali Temple”

  1. What is the significance of lighting i.oil lamps in Bhairavar sannadhi? The temple admin/priests ought to be aware of the use of i.oil. Is the use of i.oil inside the Kapaaleeswarar temple is prescribed by aagama saastras of the temple. If so, why are the temple admn and priests not aware of this? Do they need an outside agency to organise an event to correct the erstwhile practice?
    This eveving I checked up with the temple’s office while on my regular daily worship at this temple. I showed them the Mylapore Times. They are totally unaware of the proposed event. I am of the opinion that outside agencies should not interfere in the temple’s practices and rituals. Perhaps i.oil dealers are behind this event.

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