Three senior dance gurus grace the stage

trioThe three senior-most Bharatanatyam dancers and gurus in the city recently graced the launch of a dance fest to remember the late guru K J Sarasa at the Bharatiya Vidya Bavan, Mylapore.

Padma Subrahmanyam, Sudharani Raghupathy and Chitra Visweswaran were the main guests and the trio were on stage after a long time. They shared anecdotes of their association with guru Sarasa

Held last week, the fest featured all the top sishyas of Sarasa who have made a name for themselves as performers and teachers – Srekala Bharat, Sailaja and Shanmughasundaram to name a few.

The recitals were held across two evenings.

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One Comment on “Three senior dance gurus grace the stage”

  1. its a pleasure to watch and hear their experience and get blessing from such genius legends. pl inform us about such rare and wonderful events, so that we as a growing artists will also enjoy it

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