Reps of American engg. colleges at Sheraton Park Hotel to share admissions info

Two of the best engineering schools in the USA, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and Penn State University-Behrend School of Engineering will be sending admissions representatives to meet prospective students in Chennai.

The meeting will take place at Sheraton Park Hotel & Towers, R. A. Puram.

Students interested in engineering careers who wish to pursue programs in Computer Engineering ,Electrical Engineering, Game Development, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering, or Interdisciplinary Business and Engineering Studies may come and meet admission officers Leah Davis (Illinois Institute of Technology ) and Mary-Ellen Madigan (Penn State University) on February 20 at the Sheraton Park Hotel & Towers from 6 to 9 p.m..These executives will be briefing students on admissions requirements and academic programs for their schools.  Both institutions are well-known for their state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities and award-winning faculty, says a note from Prism, a PR agency.

According to the U.S. News & World Report, the Behrend College at Penn State University is ranked among the top 50 undergraduate engineering programs in the US.

The Behrend College claims that 95 percent of their graduates are employed in jobs of their own choice within a year of graduation. Penn State-Behrend College is located in Erie, PA, which is considered a hub of the manufacturing industry, allowing students access to internships and practical learning opportunities while studying at Penn State.

Based in Chicago, IIT is renowned for providing students with a rigorous, relevant, distinctive, technology-focused education.

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