To know Gandhi’s ideals a little better; weeklong events

Gandhi Peace Foundation at Ambujammal Street, Alwarpet is hosting a series of events in connection with the remembrance of Gandhi’s martyrdom.

Here is a brief listing –

Jan. 29, 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.

Seminar on “Gandhian Values for Participatory Management”

On the same day, from 2p.m. to 4 p.m., the event is at Office of the Assistant Engineer, Ward No.126, Chennai Corporation, Chennai-28. There is a workshop on ‘The role of youth in promoting dignity of manual labour’

G. Vidhya, Assistant Engineer, Corporation of Chennai will make a Power Point presentation on ‘The value of manual work and the role of youth for a clean surrounding.”

N.S.S student volunteers will join the cleaning campaign and interact with the workers here.

On Jan.30 10.30 a.m. to 04.00 p.m.  Venue: Srinivasa Gandhi Nilayam.

Dr.Susheela Padmanabhan, Secretary, Srinivasa Gandhi Nilayam plays host. Dr.Sarojini Varadappan, President, Women Indian Association, Chennai will preside and inaugurate the Martyrs Day programmes.

At the all religions prayer meet, seven religious representatives and students will celebrate this unique event. The co-ordinator is Dr. C.Shenbagavalli.

Moulavi B.M.K.Rahman, of the mosque at Dooming Kuppam and Christian prayers by students from Rosary Matric, San Thome will be among the groups taking part.

That afternoon, there is a workshop on “Empowering Youth in conflict resolution methods”.

Lalitha Jayaraman makes a presentation. Student volunteers of Stella Maris College take part.

Call 2499 3839 for more details.


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