Santhome School boy loses life in OMR accident

Four students lost their lives in a MTC bus accident on Old Mahabalipuram Road at 8 a.m. on Dec.10.

The bus route no.519 plying from Thirupporur to T. Nagar, packed with students and people collided with a lorry and the students who were traveling on the footboard were thrown off.

One of the student who died in the accident is U. Vijay. He is a Plus Two student of a San Thome High Sec. School and a resident of Kannagi Nagar.

Vijay lost his father two years back in a road accident and is survived by his mother, Arputham.

The school made a announcement during the morning assembly and the student and the teachers observed a minute of silence.

The Head Master, Bro. Antonyswamy says that the school has not yet decided on what it would contribute to the family.

Yawahab a 9th std student of this school was also injured in the accident. He is admitted in Lifeline Hospital and suffered a fracture.

Many students from Kannagi Nagar, off OMR Road travel to schools in San Thome after their houses, huts were removed in Foreshore Estate and San Thome areas.

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One Comment on “Santhome School boy loses life in OMR accident”

  1. Apropos DC first page report of 4 teen slosing their lives due to Foot Board travels I pen these lines!Foot Board travels is a very dangerous exercise and this should be dealt with by the cops very seriously at once.Mostly it is youngsters who resort to such a kind of ‘adventerous’ and very risky act to catch the eyes of young ladies in the buses.Mostly the motivation to them comes from the famous film heroes like Rajini,Kamal,Vijay and Surya etc.One has to be basically diplomatic in dealing with the situation and these heroes can be made by the Police to appeal through Press and electronic media appealing to those to desist from the foot board travels.Further the Drivers and Conductors can also request the passengers in a polite way to come inside the bus.Even then if these commuters are not listening the Cop can step in and punish them with fine etc.But the basic problem faced by the passengers is that the population is swelling on a daily basis and the demand is more than the Supply and the MTC need to focus on the ways and means to see that proper steps shopuld be taken to BAN foot board trravels in the bus at onc
    Cops and MTC should sit together and find ways and means to stop the Foot Board trave menace which is very dnagerous to the human lives!Action please Sirs

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