Videographing of kolus entered for Mylapore Times contest ends today

The weekend may have been a long, wet holiday for Mylaporeans but for photographer R Saravanan it has been a tough one.

Saravanan is videographing the kolus of all the families who registered for the Mylapore Times’ annual cointest, revived this year.

Over 115 families signed up and Saravavan and his team has had to battle downpours, potholed roads and crowded streets to get to each house, shoot a 15 seconds video and move on.

This year, the videographing plan has been employed so that the judge can take time to screen the visuals and choose the winners. Also, the edited version of the videos will be screened at the prize giving event so all participants can watch the kolus at one place.

Saravanan ends his rounds on Monday evening ( Oct.22).

The prize giving event is on Saturday (27th) at Arkay Centre ( opp Viveks store) Luz at 4 pm and is open only to invitees.

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