Teachers Day: mail your campus pictures

Teachers Day will be celebrated on September 5. Local schools will be hosting a variety of events to recognise teachers and honour them.

MYLAPORE TIMES invites students and teachers in local schools to share photos of the Sept.5 event. Mail to – mytimesedit@gmail.com. Short notes are also welcome.

Photos will be posted at this web site through Sept.5 and 6.

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One Comment on “Teachers Day: mail your campus pictures”

  1. Hi, We have celebrated Teachers Day at Sigapi Ramaswamy Primary School, Chennai-600028.
    13 teachers were honoured with Shawls & Gifts. Variety entetainment by students enhanced the function. Lions club of Sowcarpet President Lion Noor begum & Coordinator Lion Durga & other members present were extremely happy to Honour the Teachers.
    Shall post you the photos by Tuesday.
    Thanks & Regards
    Lion Durga

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