15th anniversary celebration of dance school

Padmashree Nrithyalaya Bharathanatyam dance school, Mandaveli celebrated its 15th anniversary on September 1 and 2.

On September 1, six students of age group 15 to 21 performed Bharathanatyam dance at 6 p.m. at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Padma Subrahmanyam was the chief guest.

(photo left: Senior students with Padma and Sujatha)

On September 2, 70 students of age group 5 to 15 years  performedat 6 p.m. at P. S. School. R. Shanthi Sarvothaman was the chief guest. (photo below)

Sujatha Mohan runs Padmashree Nrithyalaya Bharathanatyam dance school at Mandaveli. She is a disciple of Padma Subrahmanyam.

“Shanthi Sarvottaman has invited the dance troupe to perform in the Brahmotsavam at Thirumala.” says Sujatha.




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