Ramayana Thoomanigal book released

A book on Ramayanam titled “Ramayana Thoomanigal” was released on morning of August 27 at Narada Gana Sabha.

This book is authored by A. Krishnan. He is a resident of Luz Avenue and former Managing Director of State Bank of Mysore.

The book contains 1000 pages and is written in Tamil. It focuses on 12 characters from the Ramayanam.

R. Thiyagarajan, Chairman, Sriram Group of Companies, received the first copy from N. Gopalaswami, former Chief Election Commissioner.

The book is priced at Rs. 495 and is available at Vanathi Publishers, 23, Deenadayalu Road, T. Nagar. Ph: 2434 2810.

Seen in the photo are (from left) A. Krishnan, R. Thiyagarajan, N. Gopalaswami.
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