Our young leaders: on school campus

At St. Raphael’s Girls Hr. Sec. School, San Thome C. Jansirani of Plus Two class was elected as the School Pupil Leader. She is a resident of Thoraipakkam. R. Nandhini of class 10 was elected as the Asst. School Pupil Leader. She is a resident of Kutchery Road.

Raghuvaran Subramanian and Jaisri Srithar is the Head Boy and Head Girl at Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya Senior Sec. School, Mylapore. Raghuvaran is a resident of Mylapore and Jaisri is a resident of Triplicane.

V. Sathya of class 12 was elected as the School Pupil Leader at Lady Sivaswami Ayyar Girls Hr. Sec. School, Mylapore. P. Vyjayanthimala of class 11 was elected as the Asst. School Pupil Leader.
Sathya is a resident of R. A. Puram while Vyjayanthimala is a resident of Mandaveli. The other House caption, vice captions and other leaders were also elected.

The elections at Sir Sivaswamy Kalalaya Hr. Sec. School, Mandaveli took place on June 22. The results of this election will be announced on Monday. Senior students cast their votes through the ballot system.

MYLAPORE TIMES encourages school Heads and students to e-mail notes on campus events to be posted online. Photos are also welcome. Mail to – mytimesedit@gmail.com >>


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