The Mylapore Chase

As a precursor to Sundaram Finance Mylapore Festival, a Treasure hunt to be conducted from 25th Dec-31st 2011 online.

Who can participate: Anyone from Chennai who have a penchant for adventure and passion about our own Mylapore can participate. You need to register as team of two.

Where does it happen: Online. Yes! It is conducted online. But you may have to travel for couple of clues!

When does it happen: From Christmas to New Year (Dec. 25 to Dec. 31 2011)

How to participate: Go to the web link: The clues will be posted there. Follow the rules and submit your answers. All the details are available on the blog

1) Two sets of clues will be posted on the blog every alternate day starting from Dec 25, 2011

2) You need to solve each set of clues and find the answer to the clues  (which is indeed a treasure associated with Mylapore!). Clues vary in format (Picture clue, Anagram clue, Cryptic Clue, Bus route clues, Activity Clue, etc.). But all these clues will help you in getting to the “Grand treasure”.

3) On the final day, you need to submit all the eight answers along with the “Grand Treasure”. All your answers to the daily clues will point out to a place in a Google map. You can go to that location and click that location. This will give you a clue about the “Grand Treasure”.

4) Submit your answers as given in the link. Only one entry per team is accepted. More than one answer will not be encouraged. The winners of Daily Treasures/Grand Treasures will be not be announced till the hunt gets over (Dec 31st). The three teams that crack the “Grand Treasure” along with all the other eight clues win The Mylapore Chase

Winners will be announced during the Mylapore festival and will be receiving gifts & goodies from us!

The event is co-ordinated by Santhosh Kumar of Bambaram.

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