Students get a feel of Rajasthani folk art

Hari Shree Vidyalayam in association with SPICMACAY (Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth) organised a concert of Rajasthani folk music and dance by Ustad Jamil Khan Manganiar and group on November 8.

The Manganiars belong to a Muslim community in Rajasthan performed bhajans and Sufi songs.

The lead musician Ustad Jamil Khan, who also played the harmonium was accompanied by other singer and musicians on traditional Rajasthani instruments such as Kartaal, Kamachal, morching and dol.

A Kalbelia dancer danced to a couple of traditional Rajasthani desert folk songs. Geetha Muthiah, director of Hari Shree Vidyalayam and Vani Jayaram, play back singer graced the occasion.

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