Duo help to manage traffic

In the middle of activity-throbbing streets of one area in Mylapore,  two students are actively guiding the traffic as part of their social service.

R. Mohammed Ashish and S. Mohammed Rafi, students of Class X and IX respectively of P. S. High School, Mylapore are often on duty near the Saibaba shrine or near Chitrakulam.

The twosome have undertaken this service under the guidance of Sub-Inspectors at the Mylapore police station.

You will notice them on duty on Thursdays as they waves their hands and blow their whistles to handle the huge flow of devotees to the Saibaba shrine. During the weekends, the duo man the Chitrakulam area.

Says Ashish, “The service motive beckoned me. I also take immense pride in helping my neighbourhood.”

The duo are at work from about 5 p.m. for about two hours. If you too want to lend a hand, contact Ashish at 9551471058.

– Reported by R. Samyuktha

 – Samyuktha is part of the MYLAPORE TIMES project which encourages students of this area to report on local news and people . The project runs through November.

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