Classes, workshop: Japanese language, photography, football

Ambitions4 photography Academy is introduced a new weekend course in advanced DSLR photography. Classes begins on Dec.3 between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Saturday and 2.30 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday. The academy is located at 21/ 2, TTK Road, 1st Cross Street, Alwarpet. Ph: 2434 8553, 4203 1477.

Chennai Soccer School and City Sports Centre located at R. A. Puram is conducting coaching in football and cricket for boys in the age group 8 to 18 years at MGR Janaki College for women in R. A. Puram. For details call 98840 42523, 89397 01618.

The language school of the Indo – Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is starting its new batch in the Japanese language programmes for different levels of progiciency. Classes begin on Dec.10 and will be held on Saturday and Sundays.
It will be held at the chamber’s premises on 21, K. B. Dasan Road, Teynampet. Ph: 2435 2010, 2435 4770.

Small Talk- English language Institute launches a weekend course for children who need help to master English grammar. Children will be taught through puppetry, language games and puzzles. They will also get free access to the Language Kiosk.This is open for children aged between 12 to 15 years, and is spread over six weekends. The course fee is Rs.1800.  To register for the course, contact 98415 33982 / 96000 87401 or visit 237, Kutchery Road, Mylapore.

Kalaa Manjari is launching new batches in 3 courses.  The courses include one for an overall enhancement in English language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. This is held in association with British Council. A new batch in Hindustani vocal classes conducted by Rajalakshmi Sanjay. A math training programme will also be launched. Call 98402 25570/ 98404 21305. Kalaa Manjari is at 6/12, 1st Street, Venus Colony, Alwarpet.

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