Statues for Singaravelar, Jeevarathinam

The State Government has plans to install memorials of two famous personalities who hailed from the fisherfolk hamlets of San Thome and Foreshore Estate.

These will be the statues of Singaravelar and Jeevarathinam.

Singaravelar was born in February 1860 in a fishing hamlet in this area. He went on to become an advocate.

He was inspired by Gandhian philosophy and fought for the independence of India.

He presided over the inaugural conference of the Communist Party of India at Kanpur.

Jeevarathinam was born in November 1911 in the same area. He was a leader of the Dravidian movement.

He had worked for the state’s development and welfare of fisherfolk.

The announcement on erecting the statues was made during the budget session of the TN Assembly.

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