This business idea made an impact: team of Dr. MGR Janaki College

It makes sense to encourage students to test their ideas for the future or try out a business idea. And a contest can bring out the best in them.

A group of students of Dr. M.G.R. Janaki College of Arts and Science for Women in R. A. Puram got the invitation to showcase their business idea, won the first round and learnt a lot from the second.

The Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) India Regional competition was held on June 23 in Chennai.

S. V. R. Lavanya, Ayswarya Sugumar, M. Sangeetha, M. Saranya and Immaculate Asha from the Business Administration Department formed the team from Dr. M.G.R. Janaki College won this round and qualified for the SIFE India National competition.

SIFE is a platform that guides and mentors students to become professional entrepreneurs.

The neighbourhood team presented a business model on prawn wafers and it won them a ticket to participate in the nationals.

Jayanthi and Ravi Chandra from the Tamil Nadu Fisheries Department guided our students in this project, says K. Latika, HOD, Business Administration Dept of the college.

This project was introduced in the coastal village of Paramakeni village in the Kancheepuram district, says S. V. R. Lavanya, Student President of SIFE at this college.

This is a fishing village located off the ECR, and near the Tamil Nadu Tourism’s Boating Centre.

“We had to work out the marketing strategy and implement it for the local community. The villagers didn’t know how to make use of the available resource, that is prawns, she added.

This is the third time that the college is qualifying for the national, says Latika.

The national level contest was held in Mumbai on July 2. But the team could come back with an experience, not a title.

The college can be reached at 2461 8051, 2493 7392.

The participants in this competition are (Left to Right) Ayswarya Sugumar, M. Sangeetha, M. Saranya and Immaculate Asha.

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