Obit: N. Jayaraman

Senior Samaveda pandit Bramashree N. Jayaraman Sastrigal passed away on August 22. He was 92.

He had been a resident of Mylapore for over 50 years before shifting to Adyar two years ago.

He was a very active person and was a great guru till his last minute, says his family.

He was born in Seruvamani village in Thiruvarur district. He was a tough taskmaster and had his gurukulam vasam in Kumbakonam Veda Padasalai.

He is survived by his wife Muthulakshmi, sons Ramamurthy sastrigal and Venkataramani and four daughters Jayalakshmi Sankaran, Janaki Krishnamurthy, Vanaja Narayanswamy and Mangalam Kannan.

The family can be reached at 31, 8th Main Road, Kasturibai Nagar, Adyar. Ph: 99414 39529, 2441 2552.

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