Music greats: stories for kids

Writer Lakshmi Devnath has brought out a picture book titled ‘M. S. Subbulakshmi: The Queen of Songs’. The book describes the life of the legendary singer in the form of illustrations – Amar Chitra Katha styled.

This is the first of the pictorial series titled ‘Pictures of Melody’, says the author. Lakshmi says she hopes such books will introduce classical arts to children and get them interested in them. Lavishly designed, the book also carries a blow-up of MS with her signature on it.

However, the illustrations are uneven, the blurbs rather small for children and some captions are a strain on the eye. Lakshmi says she aims to correct the flaws in her next publications. Lakshmi Devnath is a resident of Chamiers Road and has written a number of articles on Carnatic music.

The next in this series will be ‘G N Balasubramaniam: Speed thrills’ and ‘Madurai Mani Iyer: A swing in his Swaras’.

‘M. S. Subbulakshmi: The Queen of songs’ is distributed by Swathi Soft Solutions based in Alwarpet. The book is priced at Rs.125 and is available at all leading bookstores.

You can reach Lakshmi at

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