Obit: Muktha Bhandarkar

Muktha Bhandarkar, a resident of Luz Avenue since 1953, passed away at her residence on June 16. It was her 89th birthday.

She could read, write and speak Konkani, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, English and Hindi. She was an avid reader of books on religion and philosophy. She was an initiated disciple of the Ramakrishna Mission, having taken her deeksha from His Holiness Vireshwarananda Maharaj, the 10th President of the order.

She was also adept at several handicrafts, including doll-making and embroidery. Gardening was her passion and in 1968, she had won prizes at the annual flower shows organized by the Agri Horticultural Society, her son said.

For a while, she had also served on the organizing committee of the Mahila Samaj of the SGS Sabha.

She is survived by a son M. V. Bhandarkar and a daughter Gita N. Bhat.

The family can be reached at 23/43 Luz Avenue, Mylapore. Ph: 24995867.

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