Indian – styled flag mast for Cathedral

A new flag mast has been erected at the National Shrine of Saint Thomas, San Thome.

This new pole is 60 feet tall and has a diameter of 11/2feet.

The core of the pillar is made of concrete and iron rods and this core is covered with brass fittings.

The basement is made of granite, says Rajasekar, the person who is overseeing the erection of the pole. He is based in Tuticorin.

This flag mast is in the style of the masts at Hindu temples.

Many churches in coastal and southern Tamil Nadu sport such traditional flag masts.

Fr. Kanikairaj, parish priest at the San Thome cathedral says that the new mast is a donation made by a Catholic from Kanyakumari.

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11 Comments on “Indian – styled flag mast for Cathedral”

  1. Christianity does not belongs to a single culture or it does not hates other cultures. Christianity follows Greek culture in greece, Roman culture in italy,French culture in France, German culture in Germany, British culture in Britan, Indian Culture in India, Russian culture in Russia,African culture in Africa, Chinese culture in China, Native american culture in central and latin america, Arab culture in Arab countries.All cultures are part of Humanity..We belongs to different cutlures but we are one in faith.. Christian faith is the connecting link between all Cultures..

    In India christianity to be introduced in Indian culture. Bharatiya Culture is one of the oldest culture in the world. Christianity respects Indian Culture and follows this culture in India.. We are part of a great cutlure and that is Humanity…

  2. I find the comments are not published on the website. If you publish only bouquets and trash the real discussion what is the use of having a facility to comment? The newspaper websites abroad publish people’s real opinions. What we have here is Indian Style. Long way to go for us.

    1. The array of comments on the web site will illustrate the spirit behind the publication. However, comments cannot be shot off the hip and an Editor must use his/her discretion when it comes to sensitive issues. We cannot publish narrow, tasteless, crude, inflammatory comments more so on sensitive subjects.

  3. All these middle east religion have nothing ingenuous in them. After copying the philosophy from eastern religion they are now copying the customs from old Dharmic religions like Hinduism, Jainism, Buddism…

  4. It was once rightly said by a Hindu leader:
    If Indianization of Christianity is done for Christianization of India, then the Hindus have a real cause for worry.

  5. I appreciate the work, but wish to if they know science behind this hosting flag. Wish to know with which wood this post was made, and in which was it connects the soil. For each soil the flag post wood is difference and since this church is located on a salt base how they arrived in selecting the wood. Will any one explain?

  6. Another example of Christian appropriation of Hindu elements. They is now Christian yoga, Christian karnatic music, Christian bharatnatyam and now Christian dwajastambha!

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