Chennai Corporation’s multi-specialty hospital coming up in Alwarpet

Chennai Corporation Mayor, M. Subramanian inspected the upcoming multi – specialty hospital that is being built on C. P. Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet on July 8.

The construction is coming up in a 4700sq.ft. area and will have an Out Patient Department, diagnostic centre, paediatric and neo-natal units, diagnostic treatment wing, labour waiting room, delivery suites, operation theatre and recovery suites.

The first phase of the hospital is being built now at an estimated cost of Rs.1.21 crores. The hospital will have more built up space that will come up gradually, says the Mayor.

The first phase of this hospital will be over in a week’s time and the equipment would be brought in next month, an official said.

The Mayor said that the hospital is being built following the demand of the people for a affordable multi – specialty treatment centre in this area.

The place is near the south end of the Alwarpet flyover.

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