‘Two way’ traffic system restored in Alwarpet

Traffic Police reversed the traffic system in the Alwarpet and Abhiramapuram area all of a sudden earlier this week (on June 8). They reintroduced the two way traffic on C. P. Ramaswamy Road and on the south side of TTK Road.

Appropriate changes were also made in the link roads and streets in this neighbourhood.

The sudden reversion created some confusion but things fell in place after policemen stationed at key junctions directed the traffic and briefed motorists.

Traffic Police had created a ‘one way’ system on both these key roads hoping that a ‘one way’ flow would make it easier to drive in this area.

But the police did not hold review meetings with the local community and protests and complaints mounted.

The ‘one way’ may have eased the flow in some areas but many inner streets bore the brunt of vehicles that took ‘short cuts’ to their destination.

Mylapore MLA Rajalakshmi says that she will be analysing the impact of the current traffic system in the Luz region and go through feedback from Mylaporeans.

This is another issue which has bothered the community.

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3 Comments on “‘Two way’ traffic system restored in Alwarpet”

  1. One has to concur with Mr.Mohan on the subject.Each Household has more than one vehicle.Growth in traffic is nightmarish and one way system is order of the day every where.Antagonists of one way system on TTK RD and CPR Rd enjoy the benefit of the same when they motor to other areas of the city where one way system is in vogue.Traffic Management in city would go chaotic if authorities have to yield to such pressures for local advantage.Rationale thinking inhabitants of Alwarpet neighbourhood should see for themselves the ravage caused on C.V. RAMAN RD in the present change and reserve an iota of consideration for elders/ sickly/ children, who are inhabitants of this Road and side lane.After all they are kinsmen.Problems inherent in one way has umpteen other means to tackle.

    Hope, more such relief would follow soon
    MLA must publish her email.ID and Mobile in Mylapore Times


  3. Today one can see posters pasted along the TTK road thanking the Govt. to remove the one way restrictions along TTK Road and CP Ramaswamy Rd.
    But what also greets you on these roads today is long traffic snarls even in the afternoons.
    The one way restriction was really helpful in cutting transit times across these roads. Now it takes any where upwards of 15mins, needless to mention the chaos.

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