Former Principal of Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya passes away

Former Principal of Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya, Mylapore G. Neelakandan passed away on June 17.  He was 61.

He retired from this post last March and a farewell function was held in the school auditorium.

He had been teaching for over 37 years in various institutions in Chennai, Delhi and Gujarat.

Neelakandan was with Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya for the last 11 years.

He survived by his wife Mangalam Neelakantan and son Nikhil Neelakantan. His family can be reached at 4211 3894.

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3 Comments on “Former Principal of Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya passes away”

  1. Mr.Neelankandan was indeed a noble man and truely an avatar in field of education. I am shocked to learn about his untimely death leaving a BIG void in the society and in our hearts; my daughter studied in Kalalaya from 5th Std till 10th Std. He was a great guide and a mentor to the parents equally.

    A man of values very rare to find in these competitive life. In today’s life where ONLY marks are respected, Mr.Neelakandan valued all children alike. He was the beacon light to raising my daughter who had learning disabilities. He was the reason behind her development and today my child shines as a upcoming star at Anna Univ.

    Mr. Neelakandan may have left this world but he will live in our heart forever. I shall remain grateful to him forever for supporting our endeavours in providing remedials to our child at the crucial stage of her eductation.

  2. I am really sad and shocked to hear the news. My children were studying in SSK and he had given us valuable advice on education on our transfer to Hyderabad. A noble soul and my condolenses to the family members. May his soul rest in peace and i pray the almighty to give strength to the family members to face this grave situation.

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