Complaint to Corporation goes in circles

Chennai Corporation has a facility to lodge complaints online.

It seems simple and practical.

But does the system really help address civic issues?

J. K. Rajagopal of R. A. Puram’s 3rd Main Road shares his experience of using this system.

He says his case shows how a complaint does the round ‘ without any tangible on the ground’.

Rajagopal complained that ‘several tinkering, painting, welding mechanics have started illegally occupying Canal Bank Road on either side. Despite complaints to the Police and Corporation and request to the occupiers nothing had happened.’ So he requested the civic body that they be evicted.

This complaint was made in mid-March 2011.

The Zone 10 office noted it and forwarded it to the AE of Dvn 142 ( Bheemanapet). The plaint was upgraded and brought to the notice of the Exec. Engineer.

It was then ‘escalated’ for notice of the Zone 10 office. It was further ‘escalated’ for the notice of the Commissioner.

It then went back to the Zone 10 officer who forwarded it back to the AE of Dvn 152.

Rajagopal says that as of May 2, Chennai Corporation has not taken any action and the encroachments remain.

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