Pre Mylapore Festival contest

Two pre-fest event for the Mylapore Festival was held on this Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011.

At Nageswara Rao Park, Luz at 4.30 p.m. a Kids Kolam Design contest was held. Kids in class 6 to 10 took part in the event. They drew and coloured a creative kolam on a printed sheet with dots (Seen in the photo).

At the same venue ‘Discover Mylapore Contest’ was held. This was a team event and the participants were given a clue sheet. They had to take clues from the sheet and discovered answers from many nooks and points in the Mylapore neighbourhood.

For more pictures of the event click here. You can also visit the Mylapore Festival website at for more information about the upcoming events and contest.

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