Consumer Commission based in Mylapore gets Bench

State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission has a new Bench. The inauguration of the second bench took place on January 3 by Justice M. Thanikachalam, President of the State Commission, Chennai.

M. Thanikachalam had constituted a bench comprising of A.K. Annamalai (Judicial) and Vasugi Ramanan.

This Bench – II functions from the existing premises of the State Commission which is located at 212, R. K. Mutt Road, Mylapore.

This facility should help consumers who have to fight legal battles. This second level court will handle appeals from the district courts and fresh cases registered on issues valued between Rs.20 lakhs and Rs.1 crore.

Parties can either choose to use the service of a lawyer or present the case themselves.
The district court also functions from the same campus. This court handles cases within the Rs.20 lakhs value bracket.

There is no minimum limit for the case value in the district consumer court, says A. Palanniappan, treasurer of the State Disputes Redressal Commission.

He says that the second bench was created to help in disposing off the cases faster.

The District / State Consumer Disputes Redressal is located at 212, R.K. Mutt Road, Mylapore. Ph: 2464 0687. It is south of P. S. School campus.

The Tamil Nadu government has also set up a call centre for clarifying queries on consumer protection issues, the number to call is 2859 2828 – during working hours.

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