Vishnu Sahasranama thematic Calendar 2011

A Vishnu Sahasranama thematic Calendar 2011 is being released by Velukkudi Sri U Ve Krishnan Swamy on January.

The 1.5 ft. square calendar with pictorial representations of Lord Vishnu by artist Vijay Govindadas from Tambaram  serves not only as a calendar but also  as a compendium of the meanings of the various names of the Lord which are complemented by the paintings.

Sri Velukuddi is well known as a savant in the Vaishnave  tradition and his discourses at many forums and over the TV channels hardly needsan introduction. Sri Velukuddi says that they have been doing this for the past 7 years and 25,000 copies have been their target.

The 12 paged calendar is available in English or Thamizh and comes with a handy book that explains the meaning of the divine name and 2 MP3 CDs with a talk time of 160 minutes in Thamizh by Sri Velukuddi. All this comes at a cost of Rs.150 and you need to order it before December 10.

Contact at 6 Bheemasena Garden Street, Mylapore. Ph: 2499 2728 or 98415 62646.

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2 Comments on “Vishnu Sahasranama thematic Calendar 2011”

  1. In this Kaliyugam, this is a fine effort to take the Holy Names of Sriman Narayana to the doorsteps of one and all, but, why could not we darely express that the recording of the audio sessions, for a time of 160 hours, would be very poor/poor…, during our Advertisements about this Calendar?

  2. Dear Sir,

    I require 10 packs of calender Tamil 12 page with 2 mp3 CD’s . I can send payment immediately.

    Please do the needful.


    A-2 Jai Ravikiran C.H.S M.I.D.C road,Thakurli east
    Dombivili East,
    PIN : 421 201
    Thane Dist Maharashtra

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