Obit: R Parthasarathy

R Parthasarathy a long time resident of Luz Church Road passed away on December 19.

R. P. Sarathy as he was known popularly served as a Director of the Mylapore Academy for a few terms and was closely associated with it for over 4 decades.

He served the National Insurance Company and his occupation demanded photographs to prove damage and loss to assess the value. He took to photography and had a keen eye for details. His photographs were published in popular Tamil magazines.

He served as official photographer for St. John Ambulance Association, Asthika Samajam, Madras Motor Finance and Guarantee Company and Thriveni Academy, besides several organisations.

Sarathy would visit his friends and regular contacts cycling all the way in the early mornings.

He was closely connected with several yesteryear actors and had a rare collection of photographs titled ‘Kaveri Thantha Kalaiselvi’ depicting the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J. Jayalalitha in various dance costumes.

He was the official photographer of National Theatres, run by R. S. Manohar.
Sarathy died at the age of 86 and is survived by two daughters and a son. His son can be reached at 99620 46933.

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