Obit: M. R. Lalitha

Mylapore Ramamurthy Lalitha, also know as M. R. Lalitha, was a resident of Mandaveli from 1987. She passed away on December 16, 2010. She was 83 years.

Lalitha was an expatriate of Burma. She studied at the Presidency College, Chennai and later at Ashutosh College, Kolkatta.

She and her husband late S. S. Mani were prominent figures in the education, cultural, social and religious activities in Kolkatta.

Post her education, she joined as a teacher in the National High School in Kolkatta in 1948. Her passion was teaching History and Geography. She had also penned a book titled “First Notions in general Geography and India’.

When the Junior college was opened she became the Principal of the institution.

She headed the institution till her retirement in the year 1987. The school attained much fame under her guidance during her tenure of nearly 4 decades.

During the freedom struggle, Lalitha was a part of the Sarvodya movement led by Mahatma Gandhi. As a mark of respect to the Mahatma, she used to have 24 hour Akhanda Bhajans on October 2 every year.

She was in the forefront in aiding the flood-affected victims in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

She is survived by her son S. Balasundaram and two daughters Rajalakshmi Viswanathan and Padmini Radhakrishnan.

Her family can be reached at 36, 21 Robertson Lane, Mandaveli. Ph: 2493 9105.

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