EB consumers fume in silence

It is 8.20 a.m. on a weekday ( Dec.1) and a few consumers of TNEB walk into the office of TNEB located in the MRC Nagar, near Chettinad schools. They are here to pay their bills.

There are three counters which must open at 8.30 a.m. But there is no sign of the staff.

One man comes in at 8.55 a.m. and prepares to open the counter.

There are ten people in the queue. One of them tries to call the AE of TNEB (whose phone number is posted in the counter). But there is no proper response from him.

People begin to question the billing staff when he starts work. ” Address your complaints to the AE, ” he says.

This EB office has three billing counters and by 9.15 a.m. the other two had stilled not opened.

“This is a recurring problem at this EB office,” said one conumer.

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