1985 batch of Vidya Mandir have reunion

The 1985 batch students of Vidya Mandir got together for a reunion on December 28 in the school campus in Luz.

60 ‘old’ students participated in the Assembly which featured a prayer and songs. The assembly also paid its respects to the students who were no longer with them.

The school principal welcomed guests. Some retired teachers of Vidya Mandir were also present on the occasion.

A sum of about Rs.25 lakhs was raised to donate to the school. It will go to meet the teachers medical insurance, for the memorial scholarship fund and towards improvement of the school.

A mock class was organised and some of the retired teachers took some lessons. This was a best part in the reunion, says M. Paramasivam, an ‘old’ student who flew in from the USA to attend this reunion. The students also pose for a group photo (seen in photo).

The group had lunch at Hotel Woodlands. Joined the alumni were their teachers and staff and Tara Satyanarayanan, the former principal of the school.

The senior teachers were presented a souvenir consisting of a gold pendant, a bag and a coffee mug.

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