Corporation starts demolishing roadside shrines

Chennai Corporation workers have been demolishing encroachments on pavements and roads in the area. They have begun knocking off small temples.

The Nagathammal temple on 2nd Trust Main Road in Mandavelipakkam was bulldozed on November 24.

M. Krishnamurthy, zonal officer, Zone X said that these actions have been taken following the Supreme Court order to remove encroachments / obstacles that obstruct the public.

He also stated that prior intimation is being sent to the owners of the temples about the demolition.

Mylapore’s  MLA S. Ve. Shekher pointed out that the SC had stated that an alternate place is to be provided for these people whose property has been demolished. And the demolished place should be put to public use.

Both these conditions are not being fulfilled, he says.

He alleged that a temple near the residence of a Mylapore councillor of 148 ward is not on the demolition list.

A senior engineer of the Corporation says that the corporation will demolish any kind of encroachment in the area.

<< Are there large encroachments on pavements / streets / roads in your area which must go? Mail a note to this newspaper to get the info published >>

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