Vedanta Kesari now on DVD: offers 15,000 articles

‘The Vedanta Kesari’ magazine is into its 96th year of publication. It is a cultural and spiritual monthly in English which has been in print since 1914 and is brought out by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore.

DVD containing the archives of this magazine is being released by Jawhar Sircar, IAS, Secretary Ministry of Culture, Government of India on Oct. 9 at 4.30 p.m. at Vivekananda Centenary Auditorium, Sri Ramakrishna Math.

The DVD has 14300 articles running into 48000 pages written by 2400 authors packed into 1.5 GB space. The DVD has all user friendly features such as a search facility-indexed author wise, title wise, year wise and by keywords plus other features.

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