Residents of Alwarpet, Abhiramapuram discuss local civic issues

Reported by Dr. Ravi

Residents of Ward 142 ( Alwarpet – Abhiramapuram) met at the local councillor’s office on C.P Ramaswamy Road on August 22. The attendance was small, mostly senior residents.

The discussion was on 2 main points:
1. Traffic system on C. P. Ramaswamy Road and TTK Road which has gone from bad to worse, the inaction by local police and the need to ‘reverse’ the traffic system with immediate effect.

2. The status of the garbage collection by the Corporation/NMF which residents said is ‘far below standard’.

Several other issues were also discussed. These are a few –
1. Residents of Warren Road did not dispose waste in bins but threw it all over. So were the residents of the local Slum Clearance Board. This created civic problems.

2. A used car sale / retail outlet in Sriram Colony in Abhiramapuram (next to the police station) parks cars on this road leading to  traffic congestion.

3. In many places in Division 142 garbage bins have not been provided.

The gathering  was told that a meeting with the Assistant Commissioner for Zone 10 of Chennai Corporation and Mayor Subramaniam would be organised.

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