Space to perform Srardhas

Mylai Vaidika Mahajana Sabha was an initiative of the Paramacharya who wanted to give the sastrigals a space for their Vaidika activities. It is housed in a building in Chitrakulam in 1947 and the ground floor is used for Veda parayanam, Sankar jayanti celebrations, small functions like Upanayanam and Sastiabdapoorthy, Marriages and Nischatartham cannot be performed here.

There are rooms upstairs that have been used for Srardhas (pitru karyangal). As these rooms were in a bad shape they have been renovated and were declared open to the public this past week.

The rooms are given at nominal rates and vessels that are needed for the Srardha are provided.

For more details call D.Chandhirasekharan, secretary. Sankaralayam is located at 26. Chithrakulam North St. Mylapore, Ph; 2495 7195, 24641616 / 9840771616.

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