
Dr. Kuthur V. Shankar passed away on July 12 at his residence, “Gitalaya”, Mylapore at the age of 66. Ph: 2847 3455.

V. R. Narayanan, son of the late V.S. Ramachandra Iyer of Vellur village, N.A. District passed away on June 30  at his residence, 5, Second Link Street, CIT Colony, Mylapore. He was 76. Mourned by his wife, Dr. Saraswathi Narayanan and son, V. N. Shivashankar.

Lakshmi Rajagopalan, wife of the late D. Rajagopalan passed away on July 4 at the age of 80. She is survived by her son and two daughters.
The family can be contacted at 5, West Circular Road, Mandaveli. Ph: 2464 3248.

H. Kesavmurthy passed away on June 10 . The family is at 90/1408 Luz Church Road, Mylapore. Ph: 98400 95635.

R. Ramalingam, retired Director and General Manager of United  Insurance Co. Ltd., passed away on July 13 at the age of 68. The family is at 141 St. Mary’s Road, Alwarpet. Ph: 4211 0111.

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