DMK cadres remember party founder C. N. Annadurai on his birth anniversary

Cadres of the DMK party in R. A. Puram remembered C. N. Annadurai, founder of the party on his birth anniversary that falls on Sept.15.

A small group of them set up Annadurai’s portrait at the base of a DMK flagpole on St. Mary’s Road and adorned it with fresh flowers.

Similar events took place in a few other areas in the Mylapore neighbourhood.

Besides founding and then leading the DMK party, Annadurai was a powerful orator and popular writer and was instrumental in changing the name of the state from Madras to Tamil Nadu.

It was the anti-Hindi agitation that the Anna-led DMK held rather strongly that led to the party’s victory in elections to the state 1967.

He was born on Sept.15, 1909.

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