Alwarpet’s Meera Rao brings out her book of poems

Alwarpet resident N. Meera Raghavendra Rao, who has published a few books has now brought out a small book of poems

Titled ‘Pinging Pangs’ (Compelling Emotions) is a collection of 50 verses dealing with situations in everyday life, focusing on Chennai’s society.

Meera says the format that resembles a cheque book, in its 99 pages comprises 10 sections themed For Palate, Chennai Potpourri, Divinity and Thinking Aloud.

Meera says these poems are generally a commentary on human nature –presenting a contrast between the well-to-do and the common man.

Meera Raghavendra Rao is a published author of 10 books, both fiction and nonfiction and this new book marks her foray into poetry in free verse.  Meera’s contact –

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