Mylapore MRTS station dirty

Take the stairs up to either platform at the Thirumailai MRTS Station and you will notice torn clothes, food wrappers and all kinds of litter lying around. The platform is lined with garbage all along the walls as well.

At the Computerised Ticket Reservation Centre there is even more garbage on the floor. The bins are filled to the brim. There are broken chairs dumped here.

If you walk up to the counter, you are greeted with more rubbish at your feet. (right across the same floor is the office of the Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd – RVNL – which is spick and span).

Clothes were found spread out along the staircases that lead to both the platforms.

Adds V. Ramanathan, a Mylapore resident for 40 years who visited the station this week and alerted ‘Mylapore Times’ to the dirty conditions there, “This station’s Reservation Center area, its lobby and first floor is very dirty. The chairs and the desks are dusty and untidy and waste paper is found strewn all around the place. This is what I saw when I had been there to cancel a train ticket.”

Railway officials at the station say that the cleaning contract ended recently and a new one has to be signed and hence the premises has not been cleaned every day.

They say a new contract will be signed in a week’s time.

They also said that people throw paper and waste all over the premises though bins are available all over. “When we advise people to keep the place clean they say we should clean the place.”

Reported by Shashank Venugopal

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